March 2019

SchoolCash Catalog:

  • An Improvement was made to the Donation Report to prevent skipped donation receipts.
  • Fixed an issue where, when waiving or making a partial payment in SCR prior to the user selecting scheduling payments for an item on SCO, the scheduled payments were not calculating correctly.
  • Enhancements were made to the Scheduled/Installment Payments. Details in the Scheduled Payments Release Announcement.

        Please refer to the link below to learn about new enhancements to Scheduled Payments: 

 SchoolCash Register:

  • Fixed an issue where SCR statements would not print for inactive students.
  • Fixed an issue where SCR receipts would not print for inactive students.
  • Made an improved to the SCR statements where when you sort by homeroom, the statements are now also sorting by student last name within each homeroom.

SchoolCash Online:

  • Updated the minimum number of installments to 1 on SCO.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong amount was appearing in the Amount Due field in SCO when paying by installment payments and selecting a quantity greater than 1.
  • Fixed an issue where users were not able to pay for a scheduled item in SCO if the item was set up with monthly installments. 
  • Fixed an issue where the number of installment payments was not updating in SCO if they were modified within the item in SCC.