February 1, 2020

SchoolCash Catalog:

  • Addressed an issue with the Donation report which was displaying incorrect Destinations when more than one destination fund had similar names.  (DBK-436)
  • Addressed an issue where an Item Name was not saved if the item name had 150 characters. (DBK-447) 
  • Addressed an issue where a user could change the price of an item that had previously been purchased if it contained a "Do Not Include" category (DBK-413)
  • Addressed an issue where changes made in Board Maintenance were not saving. (DBK-442)
  • Addressed an issue when copying an item with Options (originally created in SchoolCash Express) if the maximum choices selected exceeded the actual number of choices.  (DBK-435)
  • New Refund functionality (SHOP-20, SHOP-98, SHOP-184)

     Online Refunds enhancements:
  • Refunds initiated in SchoolCash Catalog will now show as Pending until they are successfully processed.
  • An email notification will be sent to the parent when the refund is initiated in the Catalog.    
  • An email notification will be sent to the parent and District/School financial contact if the refund fails.    
  • Please note that eCheck refunds can take up to 9 days from the time of the original payment to be processed.

Refund Notifications:

  1. When a refund is requested by the bookkeeper:

email o: SCO User
Subject: Refund Request
Hello [First Name] [Last Name],

The following refund was requested:
Purchaser                        Student Name                   Payment Date   Item Name                       Refund Amt
First Name, Last Name   First Name, Last Name   6-Mar-2019         Field Trip Quebec Ci...    $10.00

Your refund will be processed on [pull refund processing date, format: 15-Mar-2019].
Thank you,
SchoolCash Online

  1. When a refund is cancelled due to a rejection:
            email to: SCO User & School NSF contact

Subject: Refund Cancelled

Hello [First Name] [Last Name],

The following refund was cancelled due to the original payment being rejected:

Purchaser                         Student Name                  Payment Date   Item Name                         Refund Amt

First Name, Last Name   First Name, Last Name   6-Mar-2019         Field Trip Quebec Ci...    $10.00

Thank you,

SchoolCash Online


       3.  When a refund is successfully processed:

email to: SCO User

Subject: Refund Processed

Hello [First Name] [Last Name],

The following refund was successfully processed:

Purchaser                         Student Name                 Payment Date    Item Name                       Refund Amt

First Name, Last Name   First Name, Last Name   6-Mar-2019         Field Trip Quebec Ci...    $10.00

Please allow 3 business days for the refund to appear in your account.

Thank you,

SchoolCash Online


  1. When a CC refund is declined:

email to: SCO User & School NSF Contact

Subject: Refund Declined

Hello [First Name] [Last Name],

The following refund was declined:

Purchaser                         Student Name                 Payment Date    Item Name                       Refund Amt

First Name, Last Name   First Name, Last Name   6-Mar-2019         Field Trip Quebec Ci...    $10.00

Please contact your Credit Card provider for more details.

Thank you,

SchoolCash Online