February 27, 2020

SchoolCash Register:

  • Resolved a sorting issue on the SCR Statements. (DBK-477)

SchoolCash Catalog:

  • Added functionality where deposit forms coming from the Group Collection module cannot be deleted. (DBK-468)
  • Users will no longer be able to use '$','<', and '>' in the fund destination name in order to prevent issues. (DBK-502)
  • Resolved a sorting issue on the Item Order report. (DBK-466)
  • For Customers with Transaction Fees, the system will now be deducting the transaction fees from amounts embedded within the Custom Forms. (SHOP-294)
  • School name is included on Public Item Receipts (SHOP-178)
  • Addressed an issue on the receipt where the public item contained incorrect name in ‘who item purchased for’ after purchase in SCO (SHOP-279)
  • Added a new column on Item Order Report “Purchaser Email”  which will be displayed for public item purchases only. (SHOP-281)
  • School name is now included on Refund Notification emails (SHOP-312 )