Release Notes Version - SFO.Fall.2020

December 4, 2020

We are pleased to announce that your SchoolFunds Online program will receive a product update in the coming weeks. 


SchoolFunds Online - General

  • Resolved an issue with vendor SSN #s being masked on Report Designer Vendor exports. 
  • Resolved an error occurring when district users attempt to print the District Wide Account Report. 
  • New “None” vendor code option added for Vendor-type Report Designer reports. 
  • New District setting added to prevent Receipt Tax Edit JEs on prior month receipts.
  • New District setting added to prevent posting to header-type accounts by school users.
  • System control added to prevent school users from posting transactions to accounts containing "Do Not Use" in account name.
  • System control added to prevent school users from editing school information on the user profile screen.
  • Targeted performance improvements made to improve system reliability.


SchoolFunds Online - Integrations

  • Standard Vendor Import changed to allow CO Vendor # values with up to 45 characters.


*SchoolFunds Online - School Store > Cash Register

  • Resolved an issue with $0.00 Cash Register close-outs appearing on the School Store Receipts page.
  • Content added to the School Store Receipts page for Cash Register close-out and Group Collection deposits.
  • New capability added to allow office staff to enter a teacher’s name when recording a Group Collection deposit.
  • Support added for in-person cash and check payments made through the new SchoolCash Collections module.


*This segment is applicable to the clients utilizing SchoolCash Online for online payments.  For more information on this module, please contact your Client Success Manager.