February 1, 2020

SchoolCash Accounting:

  • Addressed an issue in the Deposit Module where the user was receiving a message to "reassign these category amounts before posting to the ledger " if modifications were made to itemized checks/cash after they were initially itemized. (DBK-482)
  • Resolved an issue in the NSF Module where the reason was being cut off and not wrapping on the NSF Notice if the reason exceeded the space provided on the notice. (DBK-450) 
  • Locked down the ending reconciliation date following a year-end rollover so that a standard user cannot enter an end date in the first reconciliation of the new year that is greater than 34 days from the last reconciliation. (DBK-448)
  • Addressed an issue where the same Reconciliation month would be displayed multiple months in a row. (DBK-470) 
  • Updated the message when adding a prior month record in the reconcile module when ledger lockdown enabled to "This record cannot be added as the transaction date precedes the last reconciled date".  (DBK-445)
  • Updated Category Report #1 to display Tax Rebate on voided transactions.  (DBK-463)
  • Addressed an issue where the incorrect check number displaying after voiding a check (DBK-449) or when combining multiple forms on one check (DBK-474).
  • Updated the warning message in Issue Checks when an invoice number was used in previous years, to appear when the user fills in the invoice number field as opposed to when they go to print the check.  (DBK-452)
  • While the school level Customized Transaction Report displays the Debit column first and then the Credit column, the district level Customized Transaction Report display was reversed with the Credit column first and then the Debit column. 

    To keep reports consistent, the district level Customized Transaction Report has been changed to display the Debit column first, followed by the Credit column.  (DBK-451)

  • Addressed an issue where reprinting a Petty Cash Reimbursement listed in the prior year did not include transactions from the current year which were signed off on the report. (RS-229)