SchoolCash Accounting:

  • Added functionality where, when adding a new Category, the user receives an error message if they do not select a Category Umbrella.
  • Fixed an issue where the user would receive an error in the Customized Transaction Report if the category number included an “E” or a “D” with a number before or after it.
  • Fixed an issue where the user would receive an error in the Customized Transaction Report when they would click the select All Vendors option in the Select Vendors to include filter.
  • Removed an unnecessary pop up in Supplier/Vendor Maintenance when a vendor was selected but no changes were made to the vendor.
  • Improved the message in the pop up in Vendor Maintenance when adding/modifying a vendor.
  • Improved the error message when trying to print a check but the Print Check checkbox is not selected.
  • Added a CSV export option for the District Category Report.  The CSV export will have column headings and the aggregate total rows are removed from the export.