SchoolCash Accounting Deposit Module:

•Fixed an issue where typing "Money handed in by" in the deposit module could cause an application error

.•Fixed an issue where posting a deposit could cause an application error.

Other fixes:

•Fixed an issue where GL names without a GL umbrella were not populated in the chart of accounts

.•Fixed an issue where generating the donation report could cause an application error

.•Fixed an issue when a SIS file containing leading or trailing spaces in student number, first or last name caused issues matching students and caused issues with group imports in SchoolCash Accounting and for parents while adding a student in SchoolCash Online to their account.

     Example Student# “ 12345678 ” would not match Student # “12345678” prior to the fix.

•Fixed an issue where items added twice or more on the fly in SchoolCash Register appeared only once in statements.