SchoolCash Accounting - Calculating Deposits

This guide provides instructions on how to prepare and calculate deposits in SchoolCash Accounting. Follow these steps to ensure accurate deposit records.

Preparing a Deposit

  1. Sort bills and coins as necessary.

  2. Record the quantity of each denomination starting with the lowest denomination.

  3. Manually sort the checks into similar amounts (using the Checks Detail feature makes this step unnecessary).

Entering Category Assignment

Begin the deposit/receipt process by entering the Category information. This information must be entered before using the Check Detail option.

To assign deposit amount to a single category:

  1. Click into the Category Name field.

  2. Click the pick list arrow in the Category Name field.

  3. Select the appropriate category from the list.

  4. Press TAB to move to the Reason field and enter any explanation for the deposit.

The Reason will display in the Description field in the Ledger. The Category Amount field will auto-populate based on the Deposit Total.

  1. Press ENTER or click the SAVE icon.

Note: Category information can also be entered by selecting the Category Number. Click the pick list arrow in the Cat. # field and select the appropriate Category Number for the deposit.

To split the deposit amount between categories:

  1. Follow the steps outlined above to enter the first category.

  2. Click the Insert Row icon displayed below the Category panel.

  3. Select the additional Category Name from the drop-down list.

  4. Press TAB to move to the Reason field and enter the explanation for this deposit category.

  5. Press ENTER or click the Save icon.

  6. Repeat the steps until all necessary category information has been added.

Adding/Assigning a Memo (Optional)

A Memo can be used to tie deposits together that belong to the same project while allowing the transactions to be added to different categories.

  1. In Detailed Receipt, click Add Memo.

  2. Click the Insert Row icon and enter the new memo.

  3. Press ENTER to save the memo.

  4. Click Return to Deposit to go back to the Detailed Receipt.

  5. In the Category panel, click inside the Memo field.

  6. Select the Memo from the drop-down list.

  7. Press ENTER or click the Save icon.

Entering Deposit Details

  1. In the Money handed in by: field, enter the name of the staff member who handed in the money (e.g., Smith, John).

  2. Begin with the lowest denomination of bills and coins.

  3. Click in the Qty field for each denomination.

  4. Enter the number of bills in the denomination.

  5. Press TAB to auto-calculate the amount and move to the next Qty field.

  6. Continue until all panels (Bills, Rolled Coin, and Loose Coin) are complete.

The total for each panel will be calculated and displayed at the bottom of each panel.

Using Check Details Option

For quick check entry and itemization, use the Detail option in the Checks Panel.

Note: The category assignment and reason must be completed before using the Checks Detail option.

  1. Complete the Category and Reason fields as outlined above.

  2. Enter any bills and coins.

  3. In the Checks panel, click the Detail option.

  4. A Detail window opens.

  5. To display the Check Number field, click the checkbox in the top right corner of the Check Detail panel.

  6. Click in the Description field and enter the first character of the household surname (e.g., "g").

  7. Select the household name from the drop-down list.

  8. Press TAB to auto-populate the household name and move to the Check Number field.

  9. Enter the Check Number.

  10. Press TAB to move to the Amount field and enter the check amount.

  11. Press ENTER to save the entry and create a new check details row.

Tip: If the check value is a whole amount (e.g., $25.00), it is not necessary to type ".00".

Tip: If the next check to be itemized has the same amount, enter a new prompt letter in the Description field, select the required household name, and press TAB to save the new entry with the same amount.

Where to Next?