
This article explains how to verify whether an item is designated as Public or Unlisted in the SchoolCash system. The process has been updated as of October 2022 to include unique URL Fee Links for both Public and Unlisted items, simplifying identification and verification.

Verifying Item Availability

Before the introduction of unique URL Fee Links, the process to verify an item's availability required multiple steps. Follow the updated process below to ensure accurate verification:

  1. Select Only Public from the List of Items window's Public Items dropdown menu.
  2. The system displays all items where the "Availability" was selected as Public or Unlisted.
  3. All found items will indicate Yes beside "Available to Public."
  4. Click the Export button to generate an Excel report.
  5. Review the "Public Items" and "Unlisted Items" columns in the report for accuracy.

Public Items Dropdown

Changes with the New Public Fee Link

Every Public and Unlisted item has a unique URL Fee Link. This enhancement eliminates the need to review each item manually to verify its type. Instead, users can now rely on the following steps:

  1. Complete steps 1–3 from the verification process above.
  2. Export the list of items to an Excel file.
  3. Verify the "Public Items" and "Unlisted Items" columns in the exported report to confirm accuracy.


Step #4 from the old process, which required reviewing each item's Unlisted Fee Link, is no longer applicable due to the availability of unique Fee Links for all items.

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