Import Fees Setup

Importing fees from Destiny into the system ensures that all necessary items are accounted for and categorized correctly. This process involves configuring the setup, adding and configuring fee types, selecting schools, and designating financial information. By following the steps outlined below, district users can ensure that fees are properly mapped and recorded for all schools.

Configuring the Setup

All the items imported from Destiny display on the List of Items page. To ensure the fees from these items are posted in the right category and GL account, district users need to configure the fees. This step is crucial for mapping items to the relevant fees in Destiny. Users can do this through SCC > District > Fee Import Setup.

A screenshot of a web page

A screenshot of a web page

Adding and Configuring Fee Types

  • Set up a fee by clicking Add Fee Type.

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  • The Select a Fee Type dropdown is automatically populated with the available collection types from Destiny (Resources, Library, Textbook).
  • District users can add as many fee types as needed and select the same Fee Type multiple times for different schools, choosing a different configuration (category, minimum amount, attachment type, etc.) each time.

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Selecting Schools

  • Users can select the schoolsand apply the new fee types:
    1. Users can choose different individual schools by clicking the checkboxes beside each school name.
    2. Users can also select bulk filtering:
      1. Elementary: All elementary schools are auto-selected, and the checkboxes are checked.
      2. Secondary: All secondary schools are auto-selected, and the checkboxes are checked.

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Selecting Financial Information

  • The user needs to designate the bank account(s) for each imported fee based on its fee type for all schools in bulk so that funds are deposited to the correct bank account. * This is a mandatory field.
  • The user needs to designate the GL Category Name & Number/Account Name & Number for each imported fee based on its fee type for all schools in bulk so that funds are recorded properly. * Mandatory status depends on board settings.
  • The user can designate the GL Department for each imported fee based on its fee type for all schools in bulk so that funds are recorded properly. * Mandatory status depends on board settings.
  • The user can designate the GL Name for each imported fee based on its fee type for all schools in bulk so that funds are recorded properly. * Mandatory status depends on board settings.

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Selecting Minimum Amount

  • The user can customize a minimum amount threshold for each imported fee based on its fee type for all schools in bulk so that the student attachment is not created for small amounts. For example, they may want to ignore collecting anything less than $0.50. * This is an optional field.

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Selecting Attachment Type and Status

  • The user needs to designate the attachment type (required or optional) for each imported fee based on its fee type for all schools in bulk so that fees are attached properly. * This is a mandatory field.
    1. The user can choose only one of the two radio buttons (Required or one of the Optional dropdown options).
    2. The Optional radio button has four dropdown options by default. These options are configurable in terms of number of options and labels. *The default value is Optional.
  • The user can designate the attachment status for each imported fee based on its fee type for all schools in bulk so that fees are attached properly. *Only for optional attachments and it prepopulates the default value.

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Single School Selected

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Multiple Schools Selected

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