
When students move from one school to another, any outstanding required fees they owe transfer along with them. These fees, known as Transferred Fees, appear at the new school so that parents and guardians can pay online or in person, without needing to reference the previous school.


How It Works

If a student has unpaid required fees at their previous school, the system creates a corresponding transferred fee item at the new school. The transferred fee item’s name includes a prefix indicating the originating school. Once created, the student is attached to the new item at the new school, and the old item is no longer associated with that student.

Parents and guardians can pay these transferred fees through SchoolCash Online (SCO) or at the new school’s office. Funds deposit into the same central merchant account, ensuring a consistent payment process.

Viewing Transferred and Destiny Fees

School staff can view and manage transferred fees in SchoolCash Catalog (SCC). Use the dropdown menu in SCC to filter items:

  1. School Items – Regular items available at the current school.
  2. Transferred Items – Fees moved from a previous school (the transferred fees).
  3. Destiny Fees – If your district uses Destiny integration, you will also see this option. Select it to view Destiny-sourced fees separately.

If the transferred item is missing required details, it appears as a draft at the new school. The bookkeeper updates and saves the item to complete it. After saving, the next nightly process removes the student’s attachment from the old item, ensuring the fee is fully managed at the new school.


  • Items with full or partial payments, or partially waived items, do not transfer.
  • If a student is active in two different schools at once, items do not transfer.
  • Items linked to scheduled payments are considered paid and do not transfer.


Can parents pay online for the transferred fee?

Yes. Parents can pay online through SCO or in person at the new school.

How can staff identify transferred fees?

Transferred fees include a prefix (e.g., “NMS –”) indicating the school they came from. Select “Transferred Items” in SCC to view only these fees.

How do parents see the transferred item in SCO?

Parents see the transferred fee listed under the new school, with the prefix showing its origin.

How are parents notified that the fee moved?

After the new item is created and attached to the student at the new school, an item attachment reminder email is sent, informing parents that the fee remains due.

What if the student was originally attached as part of a group?

The student appears individually on the transferred fee item at the new school.

Can the previous school accept payment after transfer?

No. Once transferred, payment occurs only at the new school.

Can the previous school see the transferred fee in reports?

No. After the fee transfers, the student’s attachment to the old item is removed.

What if the category or other details do not match at the new school?

The bookkeeper updates the fee at the new school. After saving, the next nightly process detaches the student from the old item, ensuring the transferred fee is fully managed under the new school’s configuration.