Refunding myWallet Balances:

  • Parents login to their SCO account and:
    • select the myWallet tab.
    • Then, select Refunds from the drop down.
    • enter the amount that to be refunded in the Amount to Refund field.
    • After they Click Confirm, their refund will be processed within 7 days.
  • If parents are having issues requesting refund to myWallet they can open a support ticket.

Refunding Items purchased using myWallet 

  • Refunding items purchased through myWallet should be done following the steps under  SchoolCash Online Payments (either individual or group)
  • The funds would be refunded back into their myWallet account.

Please Note:  It is always recommended to wait until the funds have been deposited into the bank account before issuing a refund as the payment could be rejected.