School Cash Accounting - Change Check Layout

This guide provides instructions on how to modify the check layout in School Cash Accounting. These steps help ensure the alignment with check stock and printer settings is accurate. It is recommended to print a test check before making any final changes.

Printing a Test Check

Note: Before making any adjustments, it is recommended to print a test check using plain paper to avoid wasting check stock.

  1. From the Main Menu, select Expense Activities.

  2. Click Issue Checks - Disbursement.

  3. Click Print and then select Test Print.

  4. Click the Printer icon in the report window.

  5. Click the Printer icon in the Adobe window.

  6. Verify the test print against existing check stock.

  7. Click Issue Checks to return to the Issue Checks screen.

  8. If adjustments are necessary, click Check Layout to make the required changes.

Changing the Check Layout

  1. From the Main Menu, select Expense Activities.

  2. Click Issue Checks - Disbursements.

  3. Click Print and select Change Check Layout from the drop-down menu.

  4. Select the appropriate Template Style that was chosen during KEV Setup.

  5. Customize the check fields as needed:
    • Select the correct date format (e.g., CPA date requirements or long date format).

      CPA date requirements:

      Long date format:

    • Turn off the Currency Symbol ($) if it is pre-printed on the check.

    • Add any additional fields, such as an extra recipient line or a category name in the reason field.

  6. Adjust the field positions for alignment:
    • Click on the required field to select it (a thin black outline box appears around the field).

    • Use the position tools or keyboard shortcuts (Direction Keys: Up - w, Down - s, Left - a, Right - d) for small adjustments.

    • To move a field a significant amount, click, hold, and drag the field to a new position.

    • Align fields horizontally or vertically by matching the X-Position (vertical) or Y-Position (horizontal) values.

    • To remove a field, drag it off the layout screen.

  7. Save changes and adjust other sections as needed:
    • Click Save Changes to save the new field positions.

    • Scroll down using the blue vertical scroll bar on the right-hand edge of the window.

    • Continue adjusting field placements as required.

  8. Print another test check to ensure all adjustments are correct.

Where to Next?