Issue Checks/Disbursement Activities

Add Memo Field Information to Check Stub
QUESTION:   Is there any way we can see the "MEMO" on our check stubs? INFORMATION: The Memo field information cannot be added to ...
Wed, 6 May, 2020 at 1:50 PM
Attach a File to a Check
Capturing daily transaction records in SchoolCash is an important way to maintain transparency and ensure clean audits. To help your school achieve this obj...
Mon, 17 Oct, 2022 at 9:14 AM
Can a Combined Check be Issued to Pay Multiple Invoices for a "One-Time" Vendor?
QUESTION: How do we issue a check to pay multiple invoices to a "one-time" vendor, when the system does not allow us to combine checks? IN...
Tue, 17 Mar, 2020 at 1:56 PM
Character Count for Check Data Entry Fields
QUESTION: How many characters are allowed in the check data entry fields? INFORMATION: Printing:  270 characters will print on check stub for suppli...
Tue, 17 Mar, 2020 at 1:58 PM
Combine Checks for Multiple Checks to Same Vendor
QUESTION: When I issue multiple checks to the same vendor, I do not get the option to combine these checks.  Why? INFORMATION: The combine checks fea...
Tue, 17 Mar, 2020 at 2:07 PM
Currency Symbol Removal on Check
QUESTION: Can you print a check without displaying the currency symbol?  RESPONSE: When the currency symbol is pre-printed on the check, user will be ...
Wed, 9 Dec, 2020 at 8:47 AM
Enter First Check Number of New or Replenishment Check Stock
QUESTION:   What is the process to add the School's starting check number to the first entered check in Issue Checks module? The starting check number...
Tue, 17 Mar, 2020 at 2:10 PM
Error-Can't Add Check to Ledger, Message Indicates Invoice has Already Been Paid
QUESTION: When I try to add checks to the Ledger, I am getting an error message that indicates that the invoice has already been paid. Why? RESPONSE: ...
Wed, 8 Apr, 2020 at 9:39 AM
How to Combine Checks
QUESTION: Is it possible to combine checks? There are two occasions when it is possible to combine a check: 1.    If a check is issued to the same suppli...
Thu, 3 Sep, 2020 at 3:29 PM
How to Issue Checks-Invoice with Credit
QUESTION: How do I deal with a "credit" invoice? PROCESS: Split the category entry to record full amount of invoice and enter a second categ...
Tue, 17 Mar, 2020 at 2:14 PM