In the Users area, District users can manually add other users to the system that are from the same district. These steps can be helpful when:

  • new staff members join the school district and quickly require access to KEV applications.
  • a new staff member was missed as part of a batch user import.


Before you begin

Add a new user

1. Open the Users area

After logging in to the system, open the Users area.

  • In SchoolCash Accounting, click USERS in the left navigation.
  • In SchoolFunds Online, click ADMIN > Users.

2. Begin by clicking + ADD NEW USER.

3. Enter account details for the new user

Complete the User Details area fields, including user ID (username), First Name, Last Name, Status (Active / Inactive), and a valid, district-issued Email.

Image of the User Details area.

4. Select a role for the new user

Choose a role for the new user based on the available roles within your district's KEV applications.

  1. Click the + ADD ROLE option available in the User Access area to select a role for the new user.

    Image of the ADD ROLE option.

  2. Open the Role menu and select an option from the list of roles within your district's KEV applications. 

5. Assign the new user to one, many, or all schools in the district

  1. Click the pencil icon next to the Schools field. Image of the User Access area
  2. A listing of all uploaded schools from your district will open.Image of the Select Schools area
    • To add the new user to a single school, select the checkbox associated with the school.
    • To add the new user to multiple schools, select the checkboxes associated with the schools.
    • To add the new user to all schools within the district, select All Schools. Note that this will automatically include the new user in new schools that are added by the district in the future.
    • Optionally locate selectable schools using the Search area. This is helpful if your district includes a large numberntaber of schools.
  3. Click SAVE.

New users that have been added to the system with All Schools selected will automatically include the new user in new schools that are added by the district in the future.