What is the difference between Optional and Required?



  • gives the parent/guardian the option to purchase the item 
  • Item has a FUTURE START DATE, the item will not appear online until the start date. It will also not be visible in the items available for purchase through the SchoolCash Register until the start date.
  • What happens when the item expires?
    • If there is only an Expiry Date entered, (no entered Due Date), the item will no longer be visible online for parent/guardian to purchase, nor will it be visible in the SchoolCash Register, an example of an optional item is a yearbook
    • If a Due Date was entered, the item will be available for purchase until end of the Due Date. At that time, if the item is not purchased, the item will display as Overdue (in green) until the Expiry Date. Once the expiry date has passed, the item will no longer be available to purchase online, nor will it be visible for purchase in the SchoolCash Register
    • The item will cease to be a commitment to the student


  • attachment will indicate to the parent/guardian the item purchase is required
  • Should the item have a FUTURE START DATE, the item attached as Required will not appear online until the start date.
    • CAVEATE TO NOTE:  Be aware IF the item attached as REQUIRED, WITH A FUTURE DATE WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE in the SchoolCash Register (SCR), as soon as it is saved and attached.
      NOTE: If your preference is to not make this available in the SCR, then do not attach until the day prior or day of.
  • If the item has not been purchased prior to the item expiry date, the parent/guardian will see this item online as Overdue (in red), for example, a registration fee.
  • The item will remain as a commitment to the student until such time as the item is paid, or the item is removed from the student, or the required attachment is changed to optional, manually through the SchoolCash Catalog, Manage Attachments

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