You can request changes to the Reports section on your Accounting Main Page, including adding, removing, or reordering reports. The Reports section can display up to eight reports.


This service is available at no additional cost for a limited time only.

To update the reports displayed, contact your Account Manager (AM, formerly CSM) via email. Include a list of up to eight reports total you would like displayed and specify the order in which they should appear.


Updates to the Reports section are district-wide and the updated list is seen across all schools and roles. The visibility or ability to generate some reports depends on permissions. If a role does not have permission to view a report, they do not see it in the list. Reports listed under the ‘District Reports’ subcategory are a mix of reports available to typical Bookkeeper roles and those that may not be. To verify what reports your district roles may see, you can log in as a different role.

List of Available Reports

SchoolCash Accounting ReportsSchoolCash Catalog Reports
Category ReportsSchool ReportsDistrict Reports
1. Detailed Category Summary (All Transactions)8. Trial Balance (Category Reports)14. Tax Rebate Reports For Board SubmissionSaved Reports
2. Detailed Category Summary (Select Date Range)9. Trial Balance (Category Date Range)15. Modified Transactions (Listing Audit Trail)Adoption Report
3. Detailed Umbrella (Category Summary)10. Trial Balance (Umbrella Date Range)16. Cash Flow Overview Summary of Income and ExpensesBatch Report
4. Overview Umbrella (Category Summary)11. Transaction Reports Various17. Cash Flow Overview Summary (Revenue & Expenses for Categories)Category Report
5. Overview Umbrella Category Summary (Select Date Range)12. School's Net Worth Grand (Totals Across All Bank Accounts)18. Government ReportsDonation Export
(Availability depends on permissions)
6. Memo Summary (Category Balances)13. Transfer ReportGL Reimbursement ReportsDonation Report
(Availability depends on permissions)
7. Categories With No ActivityVendor ReportDistrict Level Reports
(Availability depends on permissions)
Forms Report
(Availability depends on permissions)
GL Name Report*Item Attachment Report
GL Name Umbrella Report*Item Option Report
Journal Entry ReportItem Order Report
Payment Schedule Report
Pending Register Transactions Report
Permission Form Report
Processor Transactions Report
Student Balance Report

Note: Report name may vary by district.