
Articles Relevant to This Time of Year

Using SchoolCash Online to Help You Get Ready for The Next Semester

For many schools, some fall items in SchoolCash Online will again be offered in semester two. Now is a good time to take advantage of the product’s item Copy feature. You can work ahead by creating the upcoming semester items, but you do not have to attach students until you are ready.

Keep in mind that it is helpful to provide a longer purchasing timeframe than to attach at the last minute.

Copy Previous Item

  • Open SchoolCash Catalog
  • Select the status of ‘Expired’
  • Review the list of items from semester one.
    • Once the item is selected and copied, it will open.


  • It is important to select the ‘Preview’ button
  • Review the entire item and setup.
    • There are a few fields which require review and revision:
      • Start
      • Reminder
      • End dates
      • Information referencing start of school, semester one, fall and/or fall dates
      • Confirm the pricing.

Tip: Make revisions and Preview again!

Save and Attach

Copying an item or selecting a template will require a new attachment.


If you have revised and saved, but the item doesn’t appear in your active list, you may have missed changing the dates. Take a moment to review and confirm the start date is accurate.

Select the status of ‘All,’ and you should now see the new item.

If you copied an item from last school year and it is not visible, go back to last year, as the dates may still reflect the previous year. Edit the start and end dates to reflect current school year dates.

No Previous Item? Review Templates

What can you do to minimize item creation efforts if the item was not offered in semester one?

No worries! Review the list of templates. You’ll find numerous templates, such as course fees, lost book, and parking permit templates.

Of course, the higher your school’s adoption rate, the greater the success of higher-volume item purchasing.

See the full article: Using SchoolCash Online to Help You Get Ready for The Next Semester

How to Create a Group Using Group Management

If team members need to pay for more than one item or fee, creating groups will save time.

There are two ways to create a group within SchoolCash: importing a list or using Student Information System data to create a group for each team or sport.

Coaches provide team member lists to the office for attendance. Use those lists to create a new group by importing the provided text or Excel CSV formatted file using the ‘Group Management’ functionality.

Learn more:

Understanding the ‘Effective Cut-Off Date’ Functionality for a Required Item

Required “Course” attachments must have an effective cut-off date. The effective cut-off date indicates the end of the 'grace' period whereby the student is required to purchase the item even though they are no longer enrolled in the course. If the course is dropped after the Effective Cut-Off Date, the item will remain as an outstanding commitment throughout their schooling. The item will disappear as a commitment if the item is purchased, or the school changes the attachment to an Optional option.

To learn more about Effective Cut-Off Dates and how to enter them, read this article.

How to Determine if an Item is Public or Unlisted

Do you need to decide how to make your SchoolCash items available? Use Public items to reach a wide audience, including people outside your school community, and Unlisted items to share with specific groups through a private link. Learn more about how to choose the right option in the article How to Determine if an Item is Public or Unlisted.

How to Process Refunds

Learn the difference between Public and Unlisted items in the Availability section of item creation. These options determine how items are displayed and accessed in the SchoolCash system.

How to Refund Overview - Cash or Check Register & Online Payments

SchoolCash Catalog – Seasonal Examples

Items with Options and Choices

VideoWrittenPoinsettia Fundraiser by Color
VideoWrittenField Trip for a Winter Program
VideoWrittenField Trip with Optional Lunch

How To Links

SchoolCash Catalog - All Year Items
How to Create a Basic Field Trip3 Ways to Create an ItemUsing Templates and Your District

SchoolCash Catalog - Reports
To view a video, double click on the video or press Expand:

Account or Category Report

Adoption Report

Batch Report

Item Attachment Report

Item Order Report

Item Option Report
Payment Schedule ReportPermission Report
Student Balance Report
Catalog Report for Public or Unlisted Items

Intermediate Level Reports

Public Item (Hoodie) ReportItem Attachment Report
Item Option ReportItem Order Report
New to SchoolCash Role
New to SchoolCash Online
  • This link provides information on ‘Where do You Start?’ and ‘How to Communicate with Your Staff and Families.’

SchoolCash Accounting

ChecksManaging Checks and Disbursement in SchoolCash Accounting
DepositsRecording Non-Student Specific Deposits
ReconciliationMerchant Reconciliation Tool Enhancements for SchoolCash

Tips & Resources

QR Codes
How to Create QR Codes for Public/Unlisted Items
Best Practice SchoolCash Register Waived or Partial Payments Including Order of Entry

What is the order of entry when the school waives a portion of a student’s fee, and the parent/guardian pays the remainder?

To learn more about waiving a portion of a fee, parent pay remainders, or order of entry processes, see How to Waive Fees and Enable Partial Online Payments for Parents.

How to Waive A Portion of a Fee 
View Items Window - Display of ‘Purchased By’ & ‘Quantity Sold’ Information for Partial Waived, Followed by a Full Payment

What displays on the View Items window under ‘Purchased By’ and ‘Quantity Sold’ when an item is partially waived by the school, followed by the parent paying the remainder?

Does it display as one total purchase or two?

To learn more, see Purchased By and Quantity Sold Details for Partial Waive to Full Payment.
When Parents Don't Pay Online

Individual Register Payment

Group Collection

How to Create a Group Collection (Part 1) How to Record Payments - Group Collection (Part 2) 

Articles Relevant to Other Seasons