
When an optional or mandatory item expires, it is removed from the student’s SchoolCash Online profile and is no longer available for purchase. However, schools can record the payment manually in the SchoolCash Register to ensure the payment appears in SchoolCash Catalog reports.

Recording a Payment for an Expired Item

Access SchoolCash Register

  1. Open SchoolCash Register.
  2. Select the student’s name.
  3. On the Checkout screen, select Add additional item from the far-right panel.

Selecting the Expired Item

  1. A new item line appears, marked with a star indicating it is being added as a required item.
  2. Click the dropdown arrow to view available items from the SchoolCash Catalog.
  3. Dark-colored item names indicate items still available for purchase.
  4. Grey-colored item names indicate expired items.
  5. Select the grey item name corresponding to the expired item (e.g., Field Trip to Museum MMM DD).

Processing the Payment

  1. Choose the Payment Action. If the parent is paying at the time of entry, select the applicable payment action.
  2. For most cases, select Full Payment.

Completing the Checkout

  1. Complete the checkout process using Cash or Check.
  2. The SchoolCash Register will process the payment like any other non-expired item.