Do I need to attach items to every new student that registers, changes into a different course, is added to a group, changes homeroom, etc.?


No, once students are attached to an item, SchoolCash will automatically attach any new qualifying students to active items when they enter the system.

Elementary example: SchoolCash Catalog has an item for a Grade 8 field trip. A new student enrolls in Grade 8. The student will automatically be attached to the item when the system receives the submitted student information system (SIS) file.

High School example: a student registers for a course after the course has started. Items previously attached to the course will auto attach to the new student when the system receives the new SIS file. 

Optional attachment fees for the original course will detach. 

Review the Attachment by Course Required - with Effective Cut Off Date for an explanation of how the effective cut-off date affects a course change.

Related articles

Edit an Effective Cut-off Date

Attachment by Course Optional - without Effective Cut Off Date

Attachment by Course Optional - with Effective Cut Off Date - Result 

This process occurs for each attachment type, with the exception of individual.