Is a SchoolCash Online Account purchaser able to use the Guest Checkout Feature?


This is not an option. 

If the purchaser has an account, using the email entered, the purchaser will not be able to purchase as a guest. 

The purchaser is able to use a different email to check out as a guest, assuming the second email address has not been used for a SchoolCash Online account. (see Account Exists warning screen capture below).

To checkout as a guest, a unique email address is required to send the electronic receipt. 

Once an item has been added to the cart, the user will have the option to either Sign In or checkout as a Guest by selecting “Continue as guest”. 


If the purchaser selects "Continue as guest" and the purchaser enters an email which exists as that of a SchoolCash Online account, the system will provide the following warning. 

The purchaser will be required to Sign In