Collecting Terry Fox donations and t-shirt orders just got a whole lot easier! Here’s how to get started.

Collecting Terry Fox Run donations from your school community

Donations made to the provided Terry Fox link below come directly to the Terry Fox Foundation and will be attributed to your school’s fundraising total. Donors are emailed their receipts immediately at the time of donation.

  1. Go to your SchoolCash catalog and select Browse Templates.

  2. Select the item Terry Fox Donation from the list and click Create.

  3. Go to and click Find A School from the menu. Search for your school name and select your school/city. Click your school page and copy your school’s Terry Fox donation link and paste into the SchoolCash Online item.

  4. Save the newly created item and attach all of your school’s students to it in order to ensure the parents/guardians receive a notification and reminders.

Collecting Terry Fox Run t-shirt orders from your school community

  1. Go to your SchoolCash catalog and select Browse Templates.

  2. Select the item Terry Fox Run T-Shirt from the list and click Create.

  3. In the newly created item in your catalog find the Option by the name English T-Shirt/T-Shirt Anglais and/or French T-Shirt/T-Shirt Francais and set the shirt cost to be charged. Prices below are Terry Fox Foundation prices. There is no tax and shipping to your school is free.

  4. NOTE – SchoolCash Online admin fee is not included so please increase figures below to include the admin fees as needed.
    • Youth shirts sizes 6x8 10 - $20.00
    • Adult shirts (sizes SML XL XXL) - $25.00

  5. Save the newly created item and attach all of your school’s students to it in order to ensure the parents/guardians receive a notification and reminders.

How to place your Terry Fox Run t-shirt order

  1. Once you have received all of your school t-shirt orders from staff and students run the Item Option Report and select the corresponding item to see the quantities ordered for each size.
  2. Go to The Terry Fox School Run and enter your bulk order to be shipped directly to your school. Please allow up to 4 business days for shipping by Purolator. Areas that are more remote and require Canada Post should allow for a longer shipping period.

Additional Information

Please note that this applies only to Canadian Districts.