The Purchase Order module
Has 1 basic flag:
1. Enable Purchase Orders
There are 3 additional flags that have functionality only if Purchase Orders have been enabled and are
only used for Invoices.
1. Enable Purchase Order Invoice to Ledger
2. Enable Clear Invoices
3. Enable Combine Invoices
These 3 flags can be used to track any invoices from Central Office. For example: Phone Bills, pCards.
Using these 3 additional flags will cause funds to be encumbered and invoice to be posted as a line item
on the ledger.
NOTE: Enabling Purchase Order Invoice to Ledger will cause an Invoice menu choice to display in the
Main Menu, Expense Activities group.
1. Enable Purchase Orders
When disabled, the Standard User/Bookkeeper does not have access to the Purchase Order Module.
Set by the Board/District across all bank accounts.
It can be activated for each individual bank account by the District Official or Standard User/Bookkeeper
When enabled, the Main Menu, Expense Activities group will now include Purchase Orders.
It can be activated for each individual bank account by the District Official or Standard User/Bookkeeper.