To access the refund page for public items, users must access the public items checkout page first and click on the Refunds tab.
Users can search for items by:
- Email: All public items purchased in SchoolCash Register associated with the email address will be displayed on the screen.
- Receipt number: All items included on the receipt will be displayed on the screen.
- Purchase date: All public items purchases made on the selected date will be displayed on the screen.
*Only items purchased within 365 days will be displayed for refunds.
Name: Displays the item name.
Purchase Date: Displays the purchase date.
Payment: Displays the total amount paid.
Tender: Displays the payment method used.
Available for Refund: Displays the total refundable amount.
- This amount subtracts any previous partial refunds to prevent duplication.
Refund: Input field to indicate the amount to be refunded.
Once the refund amount has been entered, the user can select the method of refund by clicking on the Cash/Check/Credit Card buttons located at the bottom right corner for the screen.
The complete Feature Release Information for purchasing and refunding a Public Item purchased in the SchoolCash Register, select the following link to move to that article.