When are email notifications sent and to whom?


NEW email notifications are sent out as follows:

  1. Item is created today, with a start date of today.
    Email notification is sent tomorrow, some time after 12:01 am, only if item is saved and attached to a student attachment.
    What is the actual time? This will depend on how many notifications KEV is distributing across all our districts.

a. Email notifications for a new Regular and possibly also Unlisted item, created today, with a start date of today 

  • Will be sent to the SchoolCash Online Registered parents for the student attachment
  • Emails will not go to anyone provided with the Unlisted URL

b. Email notifications for a new Public item, created today with a start date of today

  • If only created as a Public item – no emails are sent
  • If created as Public, as well as, saved and attached to a student attachment
    – Email notifications would follow the above information for the student attachment (a.)

    2. Item is created with a future start date.

        Email notification will be sent on that start date some time after 12:01 am, once saved and attached to a student attachment. 

        What is the actual time? This will depend on how many notifications KEV is distributing across all our districts. 

REMINDER email notifications are distributed on the reminder date that is set by the user.


For your information: 

Aside from the above email notifications, there are NO email notifications created based on a Due Date.


Item Availability - Due Date and Start & End Time