How do I create an unlisted public item?


1. Create an Unlisted Public Item *Customized by District

Perfect for those items that could be available to the public, but not listed on the regular District SchoolCash Online Website! For example, create an unlisted item for payments the school to rent some of its facilities for public use. 


  •  Customized by District
  •  Unlisted fees do not display on SchoolCash Online website 
  •  Unlisted fees require a unique URL to link to a payment website

Example : Gym Rental

Step 1: In SchoolCash Catalog, click either Create a New Item tab or New Item button

Step 2: Begin at top of Create a New Item form complete all required fields.(*Other fields are optional information.

A. Name: Enter a name for the New Item (eg: Gym Rental 20YY/20YY)

B. Description: Enter a description of the New Item. 

Answer the 5 Ws (Who, What, Where, When and Why, i.e. Anne Jones – Green Acres Dance Club.)
A Picture may be added by selecting the camera.  This is optional.

C. Year: Defaults to current school year

D. Bank Account: Defaults to current bank account

E. Effective From: Start Date: (i.e. MM/DD/YYYY) End Date: (i.e. MM/DD/YYYY)

F. Send a Reminder Email: Not Required (if entered i.e. MM/DD/YYYY) 

G. Quantity Available: is set to Unlimited (this would mean the school gym could be rented unlimited times)

H. Limit Per Student: Default is 1 (how many purchases per person)

I.  Availability Section:  Click Unlisted toggle to activate

A link to the School Cash Online website will be created where the purchase of the gym rental can be made. NOTE: This link should be emailed to the group contact, so that payment can be made.

J. Add Category/Account Name: Click Category/Account Name drop-down 

K. Amount: Enter cost of item

L. Add Options: No Options required
If there are options, here are a few tips.

When an item is created as an Unlisted item, a unique URL is created (found on the SchoolCash Catalog's View Items window). The item is not available from the District's website.

Why create an unlisted item? The unique URL can be provided to a specific audience, i.e., the item is to be offered to your staff. Email the unique URL Fee Link to your staff. Review the following Knowledge Base article, How To Create an Unlisted Item for Staff Purchase


  1.  An unlisted item can also be attached to your students, but is not necessary. When doing so, parents may accidentally pay under the link, instead of the item under their child's name. This will then result in the items continuing to be attached to the child.

    However, by attaching the item to the students, a new item notification is emailed to your registered parents.

  2. Add information in either the item description, or, if there are options, in the option description.
    Suggested wording:
    If this item is to be picked up by someone other than you, uncheck the checkbox beside "Myself". This will activate the "Who are you purchasing this for" field. Enter the individual's name in the format "LastName, FirstName". This will help to ensure the correct individual receives this item.

  3. If you do this, add the following information in the option description (as they will need to choose a size): Uncheck the checkbox beside "Myself", this will activate the"Who are you purchasing this for" field. Enter the individual's name in the format "LastName, FirstName". This will help with distribution reports. 

M. Extras Section:

Scheduled Payments:* Default unchecked *Customized by District

N. Add Permission Form: No Permission Form  required

O. Save: Select a Save button option to save new item 

or CancelClick Cancel button to cancel item or all recent edits

P. Preview: Select the Preview button to preview the item as a parent would view it